Tuesday 28 May 2013

Legoland - Company Annual Family Day

Over the 3-day weekend it was my company family day and this year it was held at Legoland!
I was so happy that the husband decided to finish his work the day before so that we could leave on Friday morning. I was happy too because if the entrance fee wasn't free, it would take a whole lot of convincing for us to go as the tickets are not that cheap and it would be hot and it's at least 3 hours drive away. But we made it nonetheless. Glad that we left early at 9am and skipped the start of school holidays jam.

We stayed at Granada Hotel which is about 10 minutes away from Legoland. It was a pretty new hotel with and still looked brand spanking new and at RM168 nett (we got a corporate discount) it was a bargain! Didn't manage to take pics of the room until after it looked like it was hit by a tornado.

We also managed to stop by JPO in the evening. Yeayy...another place crossed off the list. I was super duper lucky as hubster was in a good mood to "belanja". On the way I was pretending that it was a trip to Bicester (my fave designer discount outlet). I wasn't looking for anything in particular except for some tops and in the end I managed to grab 2 t-shirts. Kimi bought himself "baju raya" as he call it which were 4 Levi's t-shirts. I went to town at Gap Kids buying t-shirts for Nazrin, Adam (nephew) and onesies for Ariana (niece) and we also got Nazrin some sandals from Clarks. So those were our purchases from JPO.

The next day off we went to Legoland early in the morning. It was drizzling a little bit so we skipped the speech and lucky draw which were held in a tent outside and went straight in. Nazrin loved looking at the models especially all the moving buses and trucks.

Funnily enough when he saw KLCC he said "Azan" as he remembers seeing KLCC in the Azan clips on TV. Oh my Ustaz!

 There weren't that many rides that he could ride but I was so happy that he was tall enough for the airplane ride! He went on and was a champion and not a little bit scared even though I thought it was a tad too fast. After the ride he even said "I like it, airplanes"

Apart from that we went on a laser tag ride and the mini train. He played at the playground and after that we went to the babycare centre.

The babycare was for mummies and babies only but it was well equipped with warmers, microwave, fridge then a nursing room even a cot for sleeping babies (sorry should have taken pics but was too busy tending to my Little Man!) After changing him I gave him his milk and back into the stroller he went. He was very sleepy already so we headed towards the exit to get our lunch (free KFC yo!) but stopped at the gift shop first. The moment we hit the aircond in the gift shop he dozed off straight away!

After lunch we decided to go back as it was way too hot and there weren't that many rides that Nazrin could go on anyway.

All in all Legoland was pretty awesome. I wish I could have gone on the coasters and the flume ride but maybe next time when Nazrin is bigger.


Go early!! All rides open at 10am so it was well worth it go early so that at least you get 2 hours before it gets too hot!

Bring hats, sunscreen and umbrellas! Umbrellas are great (we got them as our door gift!)

Bring a stroller if you have kids as there are plenty of stroller parking areas at the rides. Even if you kid doesn't want to sit in it you can shove everything on it insted (ie diaper bag, umbrella, food)

Bring lots of water!

Bring spare clothes if you plan to go on the wet rides coz YOU WILL get wet!

All in all we all had a great time at Legoland and will definately come again. They are also building a hotel in the park so maybe next time we'll stay there. At least during 12-3pm when it's a scorcher we could stay in the hotel then continue again in the evening when it's not that hot! Thanks hubby for driving! mwahsss

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