Thursday 13 June 2013

25 Weeks To A New Me

What's that you ask me?

Well it's basically a version of the "Biggest Loser" sponsored by the company.

During my pregnancy I gained 20kgs(!!!) and managed to lose 14kgs really quickly. I think it was mainly water as my baby only came out at 2.76kg. So it has been a struggle to lose the remaining 6kgs. I didn't want to diet as I was breastfeeding so I ate and I only restarted my exercise regime 4 months post delivery as I had a c-section and didn't want to risk it. So I was doing constant exercises during lunch time with combat training, zumba and aerobics and I was on my way to an ideal body as I tend to lose inches rather than weight. Then back in October last year I had a knee injury (Anterior Cruciate Ligament). Basically I tore my ligament so I had to stop any form of exercise because my knee was so unstable! I would walk and suddenly my knee would just give way! I didn't want any surgery because after all I am not some super athelete so I did physio therapy. I stopped exercising for a good 3 months and by then i "lupa diri" a bit so i piled the weight back on. 

So now I have entered the 25 weeks to a new you challenge where every week you and your group will have a session with a trainer. They will show you the exercises and of course the rest of the work is out of your own initiative! You get weighed in at the end of each month and the top 3 biggest losers gets RM700, RM500 and RM300 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively. Of course I doubt that I will get top 3 but I aim to be at my ideal weight which is apparently 56kgs! Man I have a LONG way to go!So I will update on my progress from time to time here. 

Today is my first session with the trainer so wish me luck in my efforts to turn from this

back to this


  1. dina dearie, u look gorgeous in both!! i dnt see any kgs to spare pun in the 1st pic

    1. aww thanks but underneath that baju kurung there is a lot of flab that i want to shed!! but thanks anyway!
