Thursday 27 June 2013


[Note: Wordy entry so if you just want tips on what to do after you got into a small accident, go straight to the points in blue!]

Last Wednesday I got into an accident.

I was driving and after the Sg. Besi toll it gets jammed up so I slowed down and suddenly BANG my car was hit by the car behind me. So I told the driver of the car behind me to pull over to discuss. I always HATE how people just tend to get out of their car right there and then to discuss or argue and causes even more jams.

So after we pulled over, I was shaking and I had no idea what happened really. Then when I asked the kid (he looked young) admitted that he hit my car. So I was like "ok let me call my husband". I was instructed to take pictures of the damage, his phone number and IC details. The kid was literally shaking too, so I told him ok nanti I will call you later and we can discuss how to settle it and proceeded my drive to the office.

Info/pics obtained at the accident site:

  1. Take pics of your car and HIS car too! (only took pics of my car!)
  2. The CAR PLATE NO AND MAKE (forgot this too!)
  3. Insurance details (forgot this too!! DUH!)
  4. His phone number (make sure it works) 
  5. Better yet get his name card (he didn't have any

When I got to the office, I realised that I didn't get his car plate no! I also discussed with my colleagues on what to do? Most of them suggested that I go through insurance and not to settle for the 'kita settle je la' route. So I started calling the kid to get his car plate number and it took me a few times to call him before he picked up. 'Uh oh' i thought! Then when I asked for his car plate number he claims that he can't remember! I was starting to get frustrated already. I told him to go and look at the car plate and he said he is already away from his car! I really hope that he won't suddenly stop picking up his car. Luckily he called back and gave me his car plate no. I also asked whether he has insurance and he said no! I mean come on, all cars should have insurance if you have a road tax. I suspect that it was his dad's car and he hasn't told his dad yet.

The damage to the car was a dented bumper which wasn't too bad but after I got something out of my car boot it wouldn't close so I really needed to send it to the workshop asap! When asked how shall we settle it he said he'll call me back tomorrow! I nearly cried out of frustration dealing with this kid. He also texted me and said that he can't use his phone anymore so in the end I decided to file a police report and claim through his insurance.

So here are the procedures:

  1. You have to go to the police station within jurisdiction of where the accident happen. After sg besi tol you have to file at Polis Trafik Jalan Bandar (at Jalan Tun HS Lee). Hubby also managed to speak to the kid and convinced him to make a report at the same police station too! This is required if I wanted to claim on his insurance.
  2. Bring along the car involved in the accident
  3. When doing your report you need to know the car plates and make of car of both parties involved
  4. After doing your report, you meet a sergeant who asks you a few more questions
  5. Get a copy of your report RM4 for your insurance claim
  6. The police take pictures of your car damages
  7. You go to a panel workshop with the police report, copy of insurance cover, IC and driver's license and a copy of your car grant.

In my case I had to go to another workshop recommended by the panel workshop as they were at full capacity. This other workshop do 3rd party claims often and even had a callman working for them.As soon as I arrived he immediately took pics of the damage and got me to sign a letter appointing a lawyer to do the paperwork for the 3rd party claim. As it was not my fault it was easy for me to appoint any workshop I guess. But doing a 3rd party was smooth and easy. The callman got the result of the accident that night when otherwise it would take 2 weeks! The adjusters came to take pics the next day and by Friday they had started work. My car was ready by Saturday!

Alhamdulillah it was sorted in no time and not too much trouble after.

Hope the tips above (in blue) helps!

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