Thursday 26 September 2013

Cancer - let's hand a helping hand

My family has been affected by cancer before. My arwah Tok Noh passed away in 1995 due to cancer and at my wedding reception when I cried uncontrollably it was at the thought of him not being there. And these days I am often hearing people my age going through cancer. So when Le'an, the husband of a dear friend of mine (Zaida) was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer it really hits me hard. He is my age (31) and they have a 2+ year old beautiful daughter. 

I remembered when I was preparing for my wedding back in 2010, there was a glitch with the invitations and I needed some help. So I posted on my Facebook asking who had some free time to help out. The twins (Zaida and Soo) and their husbands (Le'an and Adam)came to my house that night and helped out. We stayed up til midnight doing the cards. You see, back then we weren't that close but we were friends so I was super touched when they came to help. And for that, these four people always have a special place in my heart. (and of course everyone else who helped during my wedding! hehe) 

So when Le'an posted this on his facebook, I knew I had to help out.

He is looking for RM8,000 for two months treatment of Sevo Repa Germanium (SRG)

What is SRG? 

In short, it is an organic supplement that helps the cancer patient. On some it helps the cancer cell to become inactive, no loss of hair during chemo and white blood cells doesn't decrease. Organic Germanium works to strengthen and prolong the life span of blood cell (esp. white blood cell) to enable them to have the rigor and the endurance to kill cancel cell in the system.
Apparently this is widely used in Japan hospitals

Here is some more info on SRG.

Here is a link showing the white blood cell attacking the cancer cell. (Although it's in Japanese :P but you can watch it anyway)

It's an alternative medicine but he has got to try for the sake of his family. And we will try and definitely help him by donating some money.

So if you can help spare a few dollars this month for him that would be great. You can pass some cash to me if you want, but if you want to transfer it directly here are the details;

Bank : Maybank
Acc No: 164605040397
Acc Name : Nurul Suhaida binti Badarudin
email :

Thank you so much in advance.

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