Tuesday 12 November 2013

Review - Dove Hair Fall Serum

I have been having chronic hair loss for a couple of months now. It wasn't too bad after delivery, and it was only lately that it has started. I blaming it on the age factor. My hair is thinning so bad that when I put my hair up the scalp on each side is showing. So I have decided to try Dove Hair Therapy hair care and the serum.

I am alternating this shampoo with an anti dandruff one (yes I have dandruff too...) but this review is specific to the serum. 

A clear and runny texture to the serum.
I have used Argan Oil as a treatment but didn't quite like it as it was oily. But this one was not oily, smells wonderful and when it's all dried up, leaves my hair nice and bouncy.


Serum should be applied after towel drying your washed hair.
Part your hair into sections.
Then put the serum according to the line you have parted.
Then work your way making sections all over your head.
I tend to concentrate on the sides of my head.


  • It's not oily
  • Smells amazing!
  • And it works!After one bottle of serum I noticed my hair loss was considerably less when washing (usually I lose about a handful of hair)
  • Increased in volume of hair the day after
*TWO THUMBS UP FROM bagbeautybaby!!*

This was the morning after I have put the serum with washed (not shampooed) hair.
Air dried - no time to use the hairdryer these days
Will finish these serum and I have also purchased a different one. Apparently the other one makes hair grow like the forest!! heheh can't wait!!

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