Wednesday 20 November 2013

Playgroup at Didikan Sakura

Last Saturday we attended a Playgroup at Didikan Sakura.
First let me share with you what Didikan Sakura is (as taken from their Facebook page).

Didikan Sakura is initiated by Malaysian mothers who have had the opportunity to raise their children in Japan and experienced the quality and positive effects of Japanese style early childhood education and care.
Seeing that the local tadika and taska is far off from having the same level of service, Didikan Sakura is set up to share the methods learned by these mothers through their experience, as well as sharing the information that they gathered on the subject while they were in Japan.

Hopefully by opening up to the Japanese style of early childhood development and learning, Malaysian children can be as educated, skilled and have a higher morale standard as the children in Japan.

The teachers are:

Yang Marjaniah (left)

Currently studying to be a certified early childhood practitioner, Yang is a former ambitious corporate lady who found her true passion in the early childhood field. Yang has 3 children of her own; 2 were educated and cared under the Japanese early childhood system when the family spent 2 years in Kyoto. Even though Yang knows very little Japanese, it didn't stop her from being actively involved in her children's kindergarten activities, PTA meetings and was even chosen to play in the mothers' volleyball league! Yang's enthusiasm and cheerful personality had quickly won the hearts of many teachers, mothers, foreigners and Japanese in her surrounding community. Always eager to share her knowledge and experience, Yang is very particular when it comes to child care especially in the matter of health, safety and good behavior.

Nazatul Akhma (right)

When her husband pursued doctorate degree in Kyoto University, Nazatul the children-workshop-instructor-and-personal-tutor became a full-time housewife. Graduated from a Japanese university and able to speak Japanese herself, Nazatul made sure she did not missed any opportunity to participate in her child's kindergarten activities and learned about the culture of Japanese child care directly from the mothers and teachers themselves. Moreover, her passion for teaching had lead her to discover the amazing world of Japanese early childhood education by participating in the local community playgroups and children related events at children centres, science museums and public children's libraries. The family came back to Malaysia 3 years later not only with the PhD, but also boxes full of Japanese early childhood books, learning materials as well as knowledge on pregnancy and birth in Japan (She had two girls while in Kyoto ;p)

I know Naza from back we were in primary school and we have kept in touch through Facebook. She owns the one and only book rental shop in Bangi called Q'reazant and this is where thee playgroup was held.

The theme for the day was Trains and these were the activities held on the day.
(My observations throughout the session are within the photo captions)

1. Story telling

I was pleasantly surprised to see how engaged Nazrin was from the very beginning! I think the fact that I was there to accompany him helped tremendously for him to relax. Also the teachers are so chirpy and happy hehe He loved the story telling session. I seldom could get him to sit still to finish a book but he was attentive through out! Really should read to him more!

Went straight up to Teacher Naza and sat directly in front.


I only had a video of this and of course he loved it. Copying the moves and dancing (swaying rather hehe)


Nazrin having a drink with his new friend. (Taken 2 minutes before he spilled the drink!)
Apparently children's attention span is 15 minutes. Hence the break in between.

3. Spot the train - Circle the trains

He had to spot the trains and circle them. Nazrin couldn't really do this activity but I was happy that he managed to draw one large circle in the middle of the page.

4. Shape matching - stick the stickers according to the shapes

Nazrin had to match the shape stickers to make a train. He managed to put the circles for the wheels. This is because I gave him exercises with circle stickers to put on a sheet of paper so he was familiar with this. But other shapes went a bit haywire. Hehehe 

Also at this point, the noticed the window and could see the cars passing by. So he kept running towards the window and being cheeky. Teacher Naza allowed and helped him with this activity by the window. Thanks for being flexible!!

5. Story telling (different book)

Just look at him!! So engrossed listening to the Teacher!!


We sang the train song again before they ended the class.

So overall, I loved seeing Nazrin in the Playgroup. I can see that he truly loved the session and even at home he would suddenly say "nak pergi playgroup!". The teachers were amazing! So chirpy and happy and I loved the fact that they were flexible. The range of activities were great too! So Naza and Yang, cepat la bukak Tadika!!!! hehe 

I also chatted with Yang after class and she gave me some tips on which books to try and read to Nazrin and she was the one who told me that a child's attention span is 15 minutes. So next time after 15 minutes, I should get him started on a different activity (ceh mcm byk je activity!)

Nazrin had such a great time that that afternoon after the playgroup he went for his nap and ended up sleeping from 1 until 5pm!! (and mummy slept as well so double WOOT!)

They have sessions every other week, so we CAN'T WAIT to attend the next one!

Come and join next time. But do book early as they only take 12 kids at a time!
Here is an old poster with all their details.

Do check out their websites!!

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