Friday 16 May 2014

Lara Janna Aqiqah

Last Tuesday was a public holiday and it was also Diana's princess' Aqiqah.

Me and my prince
Upon arrival, I think everyone's jaw dropped when they saw the decorations.
It was done by none other than Rizalman from Glamweddings, so of course it was stunning!

The beautiful crib

How cute is this chair?!
A section of the dessert table

Little Lara was such an angel. She was in a milk-induced coma so she was asleep the whole time!
Even when the kompang and marhaban group were singing and loud drummings, it didn't even bother her one bit!

With the very proud parents
The Bimbotches were there too!
With my Bimbotches

Check out the door gifts!!
We were given a kitab with a few surahs and lots of dua'. That box has decorated butter cookies inside and a little soft toy. I love all the personalised bags, boxes and even the ribbon has Lara's name on it.

The cookies

But this one really takes the cake! The soft toy has Lara's initials on it!

Dearest pretty Lara,

May you grow up to be anak yg solehah and may you have your parent's beautiful hearts.

Lots of love from,

Aunty Dina

I love this pic of us even though it's a bit blurry!
Lara smiled =)

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