Wednesday 2 July 2014

Happy Anniversary my love

It's our 4th year wedding anniversary today.

As time goes by, when everything becomes more "routine" and when there are often more downs than ups, I think it's good to sit down and remember all the good times.

Like the other day, it's been a while since we car pooled to the office so it was nice to be picked up and more importantly not having to drive. As usual we have our usual banter, but he said something in that manner that made me fall in love with him back then and we had a great great laugh. So it was nice to be reminded of why I love him so much. I love how that sometime when it's just the two of us, we would make our usual jokes and laugh our heads off. He has sacrificed so much and I hope that he is happy that he settled down with me. I know I am no where his ideal wife, but I hope I am enough.

I pray that our marriage gets stronger as time goes by.
And I am so thankful that we have Nazrin as he is our love personified.(can I have another one?? hehe)

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