Wednesday 16 July 2014

Met up with an old buddy

An old buddy of mine from back when I used to work at EY Birmingham (UK) was in town this week. He messaged me over at Facebook and we arranged for a meet up.

It's been 6 years since we last saw each other, so it was really nice to catch up! We were all in the Graduate Programme at EY and we worked and studied for our CA qualifications together. In our 2nd year, we got 3 months off work to go to college and it was during summer. Although we were all stuck in class while the weather was so beautiful outside, it was that year that really brought us all together as a batch I think. Aww I miss them....

He is now teaching in Shanghai (something completely different to audit! :p) I also updated him on who's married and who's got kids and how many. All the info I gathered from Facebook which he has limited access to as it's banned in China! To no surprise, the last 2 remaining single guys are him and Lee (the biggest player of our batch hehe)

I took him to Melur and Thyme and it was perfect. We took the Ramadhan set which consisted of 5 dishes and rice. All the lauk were delicious and they got a true taste of Malaysian food. That set was quite pricey though at RM160++

Me and Alan

Xiao Li and Alan

Thanks for dropping by Alan! Enjoy the rest of your trip to Redang and Perhentian!

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