Thursday 10 July 2014


Usually we take him out random outings during weekends but it's been a while that Nazrin has been cooped up at home. So over the weekend we went to KLCC to do some raya shopping for him and spontaneously we also took him to Petrosains.

Tickets were RM15 for adults (with MyKad) and RM5 for children above 3.

Since it was Ramadhan, there were not many people around so it was perfect! I didn't realise that at the entrance you go on a mini ride to take you inside the main exhibition. Impressive!

The exhibition takes you through the process of how oil is made to how they extract it. Honestly, we didn't really stop and read. Usually Kimi takes his time at museums to all the reading but this time around we just kinda blitzed through it.

Nazrin making friends
There was a singing mechanical dinosaur too. Nazrin used to be fearless, not scared of anything but now maybe since he is bigger and understands more, I find that he gets scared at times. He was scared at the dinosour and wanted us to carry him.

But the main highlight of the trip was of course the EXCAVATOR!

I loved how interactive it was at Petrosains. The volunteers there were also engaging. They even took time to explain to me how sand was made (from rocks're welcome!).

A mock up oil platform.

Before leaving, we took our normal family pictures. I loved how happy and candid Nazrin looked in both pics!


Overall, we were very impressed with what Petrosains had to offer. Very interactive, educational and VERY FUN!

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