Monday 15 December 2014

Aaron's 5th Birthday Party!!

We went to Aaron's birthday party over the weekend.

The theme was Ultraman and Natte' being the super mummy that she is did a WHOLE table of desserts to showcase her business @nhomebakes (Instagram) account.

Everything (except for the Trifle) was made by her.
And yes you can order cakes, cupcakes, macaroons and even cake pops through her.
Her red velvet is my ABSOLUTE favourite!! So give her a call at 013 208 5956 to order.
Do check out her IG for more photos of her bakes.

Cake made by the mummy herself!
Oh ya, the dessert table deco were also done by another fellow CBA Adzy.
You can check out her business @pinkbrolly (Instagram too!)

At the party I was accompanying Nazrin inside most of the time to play games and also because the dessert table was inside! ;p

Nazrin played pass the balloon game and got himself a prize!! They had the same clown (Labu) as the one who did Aaron's 2nd birthday and boy he has upped his game! Even us mummies were stunned to watch his colouring book magic trick! He made a blank colouring book suddenly appear with coloured pictures!! Jakun mak!!

With Labu the clown
We were all busy attending to our own kids so I managed to take selfies with my girls!
Here's a selfie of each of of the CBAs (from top L-R) : Adzy, Natte', Drog and Jid

Towards the end, all the kids had a blast dancing to Gangnam Style! It was so cute seeing the kids enjoying themselves at the "after party".

We took a quick photos with Labu before leaving. 

Us at Aaron's 5th Birhtday
I couldn't help and reminisce how much our boys have grown since the last party that was held at the same house with the same clown (different theme though)! 

Us at Aaron's 2nd Birthday
 Thank you Natte' and family for inviting us!! Happy Birthday Abang Aaron.

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