Sunday 18 January 2015

2015 Look #motd

As the new year has begun, I wanted to experiment more with my make up looks. What I really want to master this year is cat wing eyeliner and sculpting my face.

First up, check out some of my new tools which I got from the Butterfly Beauty Box (thank you again!!)

Maybelline Electro Pop Lip Balm

The colour may look like it's super HOT pink. Honestly I was afraid to put this on at first but upon application it didn't turn up as bright as it looks! Check out the swatch below ok?!

Collection Cosmetics Hotlights Lipgloss

This is a cool lipgloss as it has lights just below the lid. So if you're in a darkplace (ie the clubs or karaoke room) you can totally reapply your gloss. No problem!!

Left : Hotlights Right : Electro Pop

Dollywink Eyeliner

The sharpest tipped felt tip liquid liner. Great for precise eye lining.
However I did find the tip quite sharp!! Like...adoi!! hehe But I managed to practice my cat winged eye lining skills!

The full look! This is my #motd for my birthday celebrations! 

Birthday make up look

Stay tuned for my birthday updates! Can't wait to share what I did and what I got!!

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