Wednesday 28 January 2015

Review - Micheal Buble Concert

Pic courtesy of Diana's hp
I have always been a fan of Mr. Buble. I have so many songs that I love that I just can't pick one!
I think the first song that made me fall in love with that beautiful voice is "Kissing a Fool"

Back in 2011 when he came to perform his Crazy Love Tour, I was gutted that I missed out. I was looking for people to go with and didn't end up going. So this time around, I vowed NOT to miss it. So I went ahead and bought a single ticket. So so glad that I did!!

The show was just superb! Micheal was always connected and engaged with the audience. He made jokes like "No pictures or videos....just kidding! I always wanted to say that to a bunch of Asians!" LOL He also spoke Malay by adding "Lah" at the end of his introduction.Then he sentimentally introduced the song that his grandparents danced to at their wedding and started singing "Everybody" from the Backstreet Boys!

His band was so amazing! As a jazz music fan myself, to see a 14 (plus minus..didn't count how many there were) piece band live was just truly magical. His music director, Alan Chang (quite cute too! hehe) who co-wrote "Haven't Met You Yet" was so talented too! I have been google-ing him all morning! 

I am still on such a high from last night, it's almost like I have fallen in love all over again.

Pic courtesy of Diana's hp
I have posted a video of him singing "Stardust". You can hear the quality of his voice in this song. It's exactly like how it sounded like on the radio. He was THAT good! Check it out over on facebook!

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