Wednesday 4 March 2015

Baby No. 2

4th March 2015

My cycle has been a bit haywire due to the supplements that I have been taking so it was kinda hard to pinpoint when my last P was. A few days before a week I was late, I did a quick test and thought I saw the faintest line. But again I thought maybe it's just me imagining it to be there as I wanted it so bad so I discarded it. Then after a week late, I tried again and I saw a faint line and quickly wrapped it up and fetched Natte'. By the time we got back into the toilet, I opened it up and there it was, a pretty clear second line! Alhamdulillah!!

Wheee so happy beyond words and can't believe that this is finally happening! Surprised as it's only the first full month that we started trying. He was shocked and still is in shock.

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