Friday 20 March 2015

Fruity Goodness

Went shopping yesterday at Mercato and managed to stock up on my fruit stock.
I finally found some fresh figs! So grabbed those straight away. I much prefer these than the dried ones! If you have never tasted them, it's soft like a peach with seeds inside (which you eat) and sweet a little bit.

Also why is it hard to find Zespri kiwis these days? A few months back, even Mydin stocked them and suddenly they stopped! Jaya Grocer seldom have them either! I am so annoyed!! And lately I have been getting either too ripe or not ripe at all...grrrr

So I ended up buying all those and that put me back RM50! Why are fruits so expensive here (I guess because they were all imported)? I miss going to Asda buying blueberries and strawberries and nectarines at a fraction of the cost. Damn I want some nectarines now!

Here is my fruit platter this morning. Doesn't that just make you smile? The mix of colours and taste. I guess I am loaded with anti-oxidants this morning!!!

What's your favourite fruit??

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