Wednesday 6 May 2015

Backstreet's Back!!!

When I heard that BSB is coming to KL I just HAD to HAD to GO!
Lucky for us, our fanatic fan Azmir volunteered to wait in front of the comp the day the tickets were released and managed to get us awesome seats. We basically conquered a whole row!

I also managed to get my mary's (Nadia, Ann and Paris) to go to. I mean come on!! I just HAD to go with them! After all, we grew up together loving, obsessing BSB (and Spice Girls!).

The concert was nothing short of amazing! I went absolute mental at the start, nearing tears as I couldn't believe that I would be seeing them LIVE! I was surprised I didn't lose my voice after all the screaming I did.

For a bunch of 40 year old, BSB can still perform. Their dance moves are not perfect, but their voices to me were still top notch! AJ and Brian's voice were still so good that I melted. They truly brought the stadium down especially when they sang their old songs (1st, 2nd and 3rd album). I felt sorry for the people behind us for the screaming and the jumping and the not sitting down in our seats. I only rested when they sang their new songs! hehe

It was a great and fun concert as we could all be 15 all over again! I had such a good night with my high school best buddies and also my Warwick alumnis.

Pic courtesy of Dira
Backstreet Boys

My Brian!

My Warwick Alumni (L-R: Dira, Mars, Dina and Azmir)

My Mary Bimbotches (L-R: Me, Nadia, Paris and Ann)

With the 6th BSB member, thanks for getting the tix Azmir!

I wanted to thank the husband especially for taking care of the boy while mummy was being 15 all over again. Thank you yang.
Erm lupa jugak la suami dan anak yg ditinggalkan di rumah. 
At 10.30pm got this pic of the boy fast asleep.

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