Monday 8 June 2015

Conversations with Nazrin #6

Nazrin is fully aware that I have a baby and he is getting either a brother or a sister.
Some mornings, he would get up and look towards my tummy and say "Good morning baby!"

He is also adamant that the baby is a boy!
When asked if he wants a baby brother or a baby sister, he would answer;
N - "I want a baby brother, I DON'T want a baby sister!"
M - "But we don't know yet if it's a girl or a boy, we have to wait until the baby comes out and see"

Super confident! We shall see my boy we shall see! However, over the weekend he suddenly changed his tune and all of a sudden he now wants a baby sister! Make up your mind please!


I was telling him that when the baby comes, he would have to sit in his car seat and baby would sit in his/hers too..then he added

N - "And then we hold hands?"

I think remembered a pic of Arshad and Danial sitting in their respective car seat and holding hands! So cute imagining that!!


Earlier that day I was telling him that later on when the baby is here he would have to help me, make the milk, change the diapers and bathe the baby as well. Then later in the car, I asked him;

M - "Nazrin, if you and baby are in the car at the back and the baby cries, what are you going to do?"
N - "I will make the milkkk, change the diaaaper, mandikan baby...."

I can't wait to see you as Big Brother!

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