Thursday 23 July 2015

Selamat Hari Raya and reason for hiatus

Hello hello peeps!!!

How is everybody doing?

Firstly I wanted to apologize for not updating lately. I just haven't been feeling up to it and I have a perfectly valid reason! 


23 weeks babybump

Alhamdulillah we have been blessed with another child and I will be due in early November!
I can't believe how quickly time has passed and now I only have over 3 months left!! Please pray that everything goes well and the baby is well too.

Ok back to raya, I went back early to Kuala Kangsar to spend 2 days berbuka with my Pah. I haven't seen her for ages so it was nice to be able to spend a few days berbuka with her. On the last day of puasa, we headed to Nibong Tebal to break fast with Kimi's side of the family at his kampung.

The Eid morning was spent with Kimi's family. My family were all in Bangi as my dad took care of his mum (who is bedridden and blind) while the maid is off on her holiday in Indonesia. My younger sister also hasn't quite finished her confinement period so everyone else stayed back in Bangi for the first day. They only went back to KK on the second day where I joined them that night.

Here is our raya family portrait =)

Selamat Hari Raya from the Razaks and the Shamsudins
Well I really hope everyone had a lovely raya with their loved ones coz I sure did!!

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