Tuesday 1 September 2015

Pregnancy cravings

I haven't have any  pregnancy cravings during the first pregnancy (maybe because hubby wasn't around to layan) but this time around, I sure had a few (not that he yang layan my cravinggs hehe)!

1. Ondeh-ondeh cupcakes
I have been dying to eat this since I saw it on my IG timeline. @cikkiah is the baker and she makes all sorts of malay inspired cupcakes such as this, kek lapis, pengat pisang etc. 

So then my friend niza wanted to surprise me and she ordered a box for me and was suppose to bring it when she came over for nazrin's party but she forgot!! So the following week, @cikkiah was selling her cupcakes at klcc and she put in an order for me. At the same time, I ordered a box for myself not knowing that niza AND natte and jid also put in an order for the mak buyung! So i ended up having 2 boxes plus 2 cupcakes to eat. The sozes were small but it was so good that i devoured a whole box in one go!

2. Musang King
During the first pregnancy i could stand durian! My dad panicked at the thought of his grandson not liking during. Luckily nazrin loves it! This time around i love durian and had a craving for it. Totally jumped for joy when daddy bought some!

3. Concealer
Hahaha! This was the weirdest one and this was a few months back.
A friend of mine went to the UK and opened up orders for drug store items and this was one of them. So i ordered it through her and when she got back I tried to arrange to pick it up through her husband. We tried a few times but couldn't co-ordinate the right time and place but then one day I was like "I NEED TO HAVE THIS NOW!!" so that day I drove to his office to pick it up! Love this concealer!! I think the applicator is a major win and it doesn't crease. Wrinkles and lines are still there though but does a perfect job hiding my dark circles!

So what did you crave for during your pregnancy??!

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