Tuesday 12 January 2016

Back in the office

Hello hello! Happy new year!

Sorry for not blogging for ages! My laptop (well my sister's old laptop) died on me and i couldn't be arsed to type using the ipad. 

Im already back in the office and I still owe my birth story! We even had Aaman's aqiqah already so I will try to update that too. 

Here is an office selfie taken on my first day back and no surprise that we were in black! Great minds think alike!

And today I was super tired for being up since 4 am, so I was super happy to find these on my desk!

The perfect pick me up! 

Anyhoo will come back with the 2 posts I owe u. Usually by this time, my bday wishlist would be up too but I dunno, couldnt really think about what I want. Maybe I am finally growing up? Rasa mak mak sgt! Hehe 

Okla be back soon with proper entry!


  1. Congratulations dear, on your new bundle of joy! ;)

    1. Thanks Lizzie!! eh u dah update tak your new hangbag reveal??!! tak sabar nak tgk niiii hehe. Also u kenal safawati eh? she was my college, uni housemate! small world !
