Wednesday 11 May 2016

Cubicle Makeover - Inspirations

I have been working at this company for 7 years (1 year left of bond!) and at this particular desk for 6. I have been wanting to do a cubicle make over for ages now but have yet to get around to actually doing it. 

I have found the following pics for inspiration;

My desk has got way to much clutter at the moment!
I think it just needs to be clear of things I don't use and I need to stop hoarding so much stuff! I just need to just throw away everything else that's not essential. But so sayang you know. So much sentimental value! I also wish that the partitions and the desk is not this yucky mustard colour. Errgghhh...I really can't be bothered to "wallpaper" my partitions you know. 

This is the current state of my cubicle. Horror! 

Ok let's start!!
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