Wednesday 29 June 2016

dUCk drama - a piece of Vivy Yusof!

I have always been curious as to why people are going crazy over dUCk scarves. At RM130 for a plain scarf, it's so overpriced! So I have never bought one. Then one day I borrowed a friend's dUCk and kept telling myself to be careful when ironing! And true enough I ruined the scarf while ironing it! now I own a dUCk hehe

When they released the #bloomingduck Limited Editions, I loved the designs! 

I really wanted the peony so I tried to purchase one online! And you know how that went. Time and time again, I would get the "Bad Gateway" error message. I couldn't even add the items to cart, more over to check out. Sigh....

Then I started hearing about Personal Shoppers who would "help" you to purchase these coveted scarves. I was truly shocked at how much of a mark up they put on these scarves! 

Eid 2016 scarves were the songket collection. After the first release, which I failed again in getting I started asking around these personal shoppers. The price ranged from RM270 up to RM300!! I really didn't want to spend that much extra for a piece of scarf! I absolutely refuse to buy them at that price! I also got to find out that these dUCk scarves are trading items. People are swapping them and collectors are willing to pay high prices for them. I heard that one fan, who wanted to complete her Blurred Lines collection offered RM700! That's RM530 extra!! Crayzeeeeeeeeeeee!!! The highest that I heard so far was for a Peony that was sold for RM890. Who has that kind of money??!!

I guess I'll just have to forget about this green songket dUCk. 

I almost bought this twilly though before I was called "STUPID" by my sister for spending that much for a piece of decorative cloth. I guess I can get a scarf (even more than one) for the same price! 

I have got to hand it to this girl though. She knows she has a massive following from blogging heyday and Fashionvalet has catapulted it further. So she has taken this to create and build her strong brand. Her brand is so strong that each time a Limited Edition dUCk is released, FV's website would literally crash due to the traffic. I think a case study should be written about her and her brand! It is pretty amazing how she has a multimillion fashion empire before she is 30. She also had a reality tv show and it was interesting to get an insight of how she runs her company. I totally loved watching Love, Vivy. So yeah I know how people can idolise her so much and I think she is a good role model. Hat's off to her!

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