Wednesday 1 June 2016

Lunch with the CBAs

It's been getting harder for us CBA girls to get together these days as Drog now works elsewhere and Jid has left the company to work freelance for the own card designing company (you can buy her Raya money packets here!). So that leaves just the 3 of us remaining at the company.

Anyways, we managed to organise a quick lunch last week to celebrate Jid's belated birthday, Ad's advance birthday and Drog's farewell who is off to Boston to do her MBA. So we decided to lunch at BLVD at the Naza tower.

Bye Drog!!

After eating at BLVD twice, I decided that the food was ok. Nothing to shout about really but the desserts were very good! So I think we'll need to find another place to lunch now after this. But as always it was good to catch up and I wonder when we will be able to lunch with the full quorum again! Happy birthday Jid and Ad and take care Drog!!

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