Tuesday 19 July 2016

S. Baharim Vivy Kurung - baju raya drama

Loved this baju kurung when Vivy herself wore it (but then again she makes everything look good!). So I managed to pre-order it (even before Ramadhan started).

A week before raya, I still haven't heard anything about it (ie it hasn't been shipped out yet!).
After emailing them, they wrote back to tell me that it will arrive at their warehouse on the 1st of July and I was already planning to go back to kampung the following day! Gaaahhhh!!
Luckily I managed to arrange to pick up my kurung from their store on Friday so I did. Phewww!

However it was a tad too big, but I couldn't change it straight away so I just accepted it.
I wore it on the second day, sans the kain as we were visiting a few houses in the hot hot weather.

Love the kurung, wish I had gotten it in one size smaller but okla. It's a bit itchy due to the organza material around the neck. Can't wait to wear the full outfit again!

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