Monday 8 August 2016

Clean your brushes peeps! This is how I do mine

It's important that you clean your brushes especially your foundation brush so that it doesn't cause pimples. I also clean my eyeshadow blending brushes quite often as you don't want to be using dirty ones to blend coz that'll just ruin your make up! So this is how I clean mine.

The cleanser

Sometimes I wash it using baby shampoo first so that it gets thoroughly clean. It smells great as well if you use baby shampoo. Some people say that it's bad for your brushes if you use shampoo but it hasn't ruined my brushes (yet!). After washing I use this cleanser to clean it again. Sometime I just use this to spot clean my brushes. No rinsing required if you use this alone!

The cleaning mat

This is the cheap version of the sigma cleaning mat. I bought this from Daiso for RM5 and it works just as well. I basically swipe the bristles back and forth on the mat. 


After rinsing the brushes, I lay them flat on the edge my dressing table and left them overnight to dry!

How do you clean yours??? Care to share?

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