Friday 19 August 2016

Nazrin's 5th Birthday Party

I can't quite believe the fact that my 1st son is already 5 years old.
What a character he turns out to be. So strong willed and so cheeky. I love that at the end of the day he still finds his mummy to cuddle with. His current sentence is "don't marah me ok?" before doing anything that he KNOWS i don't quite like.

Anyways, after the big shebang of a birthday party last year, we decided to have a small party with the immediate families this year. His cousin Kirana's birthday one day after him so we decided to have a joint party. Held at the grandparent's (Kimi's) house we rented a bouncy castle, ordered some food and cakes and we were set!

The cakes 

I didn't even have a candy buffet this year and I really didn't want to serve too much candies and junk. Even the goody bags had limited sweets so I put in M&Ms and Ribena pastilles. 

We put on the fireworks candle on top of the cake but both of the kids were pretty scared! We wanted to put actual candles but we couldn't find any!

We ordered a bouncy castle for the party as we know the kids would love it. It was a tad hot but they still played it.

Although we invited the immediate family, it was still quite a big number.

All the guest

Nazrin is so lucky to have such generous family members. Check out all his presents!
He was a happy bunny because he finally got his no 1 wish list which is the Milenium Falcon!

Happy birthday Nazrin. Mummy loves you so much! It's way and beyond this world!

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