Tuesday 4 October 2016

2016 Formula 1 in Sepang - I WENT!!

After the all the Nico stalking last week, I was hoping to catch the race in Sepang. I was even tempted to purchase some discounted Grandstand tickets but I didn't get the green light for the hubster. Then on Friday night my aunt told me that she has 2 Grandstand tickets!! She even reserved the first ticket for me and the other one is up for grabs. Then my sister answered the group chat that she wanted it. I was surprised as she is not a fan but she didn't mind going. So we decided to go, the 2 sisters, the 2 mummies! hehe

We drove and the traffic wasn't too bad. The traffic was heavy only after the Sepang circuit turnoff. We also managed to get parking and paid the RM100 (!!!) charge. Bay 2 and 3 was within managable walking distance.

At the entrance
We were seated at the Jade seats right in front of the pit stops. The start and finishing line was to our right.

View of from our seat

Pit stop action
Because of the straights, we also managed to catch Nico overtaking in action.

Kimi Raikonen

Nico Rosberg!
It was a very good race for Teerah to watch for the first time. It was eventful from the very start, where Nico was spun out from his second place and dropped all the way to P21. He fought his way up very quickly thanks to the Mercedes car. Unfortunately for Lewis, who was comfortably leading, his car caught fire! Then Nico got a 10 second penalty for when he was overtaking Kimi. It meant that although he was in 3rd place, he had to be ahead of Kimi by 10 seconds for him to retain that position. Luckily he did, so P3 for Nico. Due to his 3rd place and Lewis not completing the race, Nico managed to open the gap wider for the Driver's Championship.

Devestated Lewis

After the race, people jumped off their seats to go to the track. It was a bit too high for me to jump down so I didn't. Sedar sikit la awak tu mak org! hehe

The 3 winners

Massive thanks to my aunt and uncle who gave up their tickets so that their F1 fan of a niece could watch the race this year. A huge thanks to the hubby who let her wife watch it too!

Another great day out with the sister (not that we don't see each other enough already!)

Bumped into old college mates!

5 more races to go and I hope Nico can become the World Champion this year!!

Nico for P1

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