Tuesday 25 October 2016

Warwick Reunion at Dharmini's wedding

When I was studying in Warwick, every year we staged the Warwick Malaysian Night and with that we also performed the Dikir Barat. We have always thought (and still think) that we have the best Dikir team. Precise movements, synchronized claps and military style training (a lot of screaming to get those moves perfected). It was during these dikir practices that each batch would bond and we became so close. And we all bonded no matter what race we were, we were just all Malaysians. This is when I became close to my Chinese and Indian Malaysian friends. This picture below was taken back in 2003, our first year at Warwick and our first Malaysia night.

Fast forward 11 years later, I was delighted and touched when Dharmini suddenly contacted me to invite me to her wedding. I was so excited to go and have a lil mini Warwick reunion.

I was also very excited to witness the Indian wedding ceremony. So that day, coincidentally I had a few errands to do so in the evening I went to the temple to witness the ceremony.

There were so many things that was done during the ceremony that the whole thing took about 3 hours. Here is a summary that was provided to us so that we could understand.


A few of the girls, her closest friend in Warwick were the bridesmaid. It was so cute seeing Chinese girls in Sarees! Here is the Warwick gang at the ceremony.

The reception was held at Royale Chulan on the Saturday night. There were 2 tables of Warwick alumnis and Dharmini even mentioned us in her speech. Especially for Chris and Vidya who came back from the UK especially for the wedding. There were a few people who are working in Singapore now so they came back as well.

Top : With Vidya
Bottom L : With Safa
Bottom R : With Levin
The wedding was pretty laid back. 10 course delicious Chinese dinner accompanied by video montages of the ceremonies (India and Buddhist), video speeches from people who could not attend and even a music video  of JT's song "Can't Stop the Feeling" where we couldn't believe that Dhar danced!

Kiss from the Groom to the Bride
So shy on the forehead only!
Safa was my plus one for the night. Both our husbands couldn't make it so we ran solo that night!
Safa was my housemate for 2 years back in Warwick and we go all the way back from college times!

Of course we had to take a Warwick pic, complete with Dikir Barat moves! We really need to sort out a proper gathering coz there are so many people in our batch!

Warwick Dikir Barat team

It was such a great night to see everyone again! Thank you so much Dhar for inviting me and congratulations on your wedding!

Warwick University
Class of 2005


  1. Oh my babe, what a small world. (Safa)wati is my secondary school mate and we were part of a gang during Form 1-3, but drifted slightly apart after she moved to the Arts stream in Form 4. Small small world!

    1. oh yeah i have seen her in some of your pics! safa and i have been friends since college until now!
