Monday 5 December 2016

Diana's baby shower

Time has been flying past to fast this year hasn't it? Before we knew it, our Diana will be popping her second baby soon (she's due in Jan). This time around her hubby took the wheels and organised the whole thing! As usual he only wants the best and he loves spoiling her big baby (as he calls her) and so he worked with Mint Events for this party. Although the theme was the same as her birthday dinner (read about it all here), Mint Events took it to another level with her baby shower!

We walked into the clubhouse and saw the beautiful set tables, dessert table and cake. It was only a bit later that I realised the custom made columns for the backdrop of the dessert table, complete with "Diana's Baby Shower" in gold letters. That was INSANE!!

The table setting was just as gorgeous! The tables were lined up with white flowers and lit candles.

The scrumptious dessert table was delicous too!

The shower was graced by Diana's dearest friends. I am so glad that we all could make it to her special day (except for Ikmal).

I was in charge of the games and we played 3 games. I have been given instructions to organise FUN and NEW games! The games were;
  1. Pain or P*rn
  2. How babies are made
  3. Mummy needs to Pee!
The first game was you had to guess from a series of pictures whether it's of a woman in labour or in the latter. We played this game before so I had to literally make a fresh new set of pictures this time. I tell you, my eyes were hurting having to pic go through those pictures!!! Then when we played the game, I made people call out their answers but after the 3rd pic, we had to refrain from saying P*rn as Diana's girl was also shouting out loud P*RN!! HAHAHAHA!!

I got the other baby shower ideas from here.

Playing Mummy needs to Pee!
As for the gift, I ordered the toiletries set from I love their range of organic, baby safe toiletries. So I asked my aunt at Hanna Petals to put together a flower basket and I know how much Dee loves flowers. My sister included her stuff as well in the basket.

Gift basket

My dearest Diana,

All the best with the new baby. We cannot wait for the arrival for your new goddess. I hope that you have a safe delivery and will welcome you to the Mother of Two club! Love you loads Dee!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the table setting was awesome in Diana’s baby shower. It looks like a Royal dining table on which I am literally dying. The backdrops are also adorable. I think I am in love with each and everything in this bash. I would love to recreate this entire ambience for my cousin’s baby shower that I will host at one of the best event halls for rent.
