Wednesday 11 January 2017

2016 SCORE Amazonian Race

At the office, we have a Sports Club and one of the classes offered is a bi-weekly aerobics class. One of the plus point about the current company is the Sports Club where we have a fully equipped gym, a sauna and classes like Aerobics and Zumba. About a few months ago, my boss who is an avid runner and an active sports woman invited us to join the Amazonian Race. It's a women only, 5km run with 12 obstacles. My boss invited the girls from Aerobics class and 4 of us decided to join (plus Natte - she doesn't do Aerobics :p)

I couldn't sleep the night before because Aaman didn't want to stop nursing plus I was super nervous about the event. I got up at 5am and Natte picked me up. After sending the kids to my in laws (yes at 5.30am and yes they were both awake! *pantang kalau mummy bgn!) we headed to Sepang. Luckily we car pooled because the roads were kind of dark and scary!

Upon arriving, we had to register. I wished that this could have been done earlier though. There were long queues of ladies, trying to get their wristbands before their 7am start.

Our excited (plus my scared and nervous face succesfully concealed) faces just before the race.

After a quick warm up lead by a Fitness First instructor, the race started. 

Well, it was hardly a race as it was not timed (phew!) The trail was behind the F1 Circuit and it was not to hilly. There were 12 obstacles in between so you don't feel the 5km at all which was GREAT!

These were obstacles that we had to go through.

  1. Balance walk on a plank 
  2. Rope swing - barely anyone escaped that muddy, cow poo stinking puddle!
  3. Over and under the barriers
  4. Crawling under wires
  5. 10kg sand bag
  6. Walked through a bunch of tyres
  7. Wall walk
  8. In and out of valleys
  9. A wall of rope
  10. Wooden wall
  11. Steep slide 
  12. Dunk in icy water
Obviously, I totally made up all those names! I have no idea what they are actually called!

The obstacles
Alhamdulillah, we all managed to finish the course in around an hour and a half. But most importantly, I finished without any injury (main concern for me each time!).

I had so much fun! Will definitely do this again!!

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