Thursday 18 May 2017

Rawa Island Resort

This was in impromptu holiday where Kakak invited us to go to Pulau Rawa merely 2 days before we left. Surprisingly, Papa (FIL) agreed to go and in turn everyone else was excited to make it happen. So Kimi and I who initially thought to go for 2D 1N decided to just take leave on the following Monday so we could go for 3D2N. You need at least 2 nights to fully enjoy the island since you travelled so far (4 hours by car from Bangi) to get there in the first place.

There are only 2 places to stay on the island, which is Rawa Island Resort and Alang's Rawa (backpacker style - no aircond!). We stayed at Rawa Island Resort in the Frangipani Room. This has 2 bedrooms with 2 double beds in each room. The rooms are quite basic. There was no TV, fridge or kettle! I think the island is powered by gen set, so they try to minimise electricity usage this way. We didn't miss the TV but not having a kettle was a bit of a pain. Luckily they gave us 2 thermos of hot water to take back to the rooms.You can check out the package rates here. One tip in terms of booking is you better call them for reservations. This way you can change the package to suit you. Plus it's easier rather than doing everything online.

The shower and toilets were open aired, so announcements were made if any of us were showering. The toilets were literally next to the forest, so I have to admit I was scared slightly at the thought of anything slithering down from that forest! 

Our rooms were also at the end of the resort on a hill (with 3 flights of stairs) which was unfortunate for Mama (who has a bad knee). So we buggy-ed it most of the time. The resort also provided scooters which you can use freely. Nazrin wanted to try the scooter on the second day before lunch and rolled down the hill! He scraped his knee pretty bad but I was thankful he didn't break anything! Poor boy wanted to go snorkeling in the evening (last chance as we were leaving early next morning), so he had to withstand the pain of going into the sea water with a gaping open wound! Being the determined boy he is, he carried on snorkeling that evening. He even managed to get the hang of floating too! So now he wants more island holidays and dreams to dive too to follow his uncles! Anyway, the moment he stepped out after snorkeling, he started crying from the pain. 

The water was just so clear though it was amazing. On the first day, Kimi and I managed to kayak and went towards the sea with the two kids in two. We didn't have to go far into the sea but we could already see all the different fishes just from the surface from the kayak. That's how clear it was! I was really happy as I got the chance to do what I wanted such as kayak and snorkel. Even though it was only for 20 mins (since I had people to look after Aaman) I was super happy! Aaman also had an amazing time playing with the soft white sand and playing in the water. The first day, we put him in floats and he was fine and happy. By the second he didn't want to be in the float anymore, so I had to hold him. Both boys had such a wonderful time!

If you had a chance to go to Pulau Rawa, I would definitely recommend it. 2 weeks after, I still can't get over this beautiful island. Now I want to go for more island/beach holidays! 

So here is a little video of the resort for you to check out! Enjoy!

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