Monday 31 July 2017

Review - Burger & Lobster, Sky Avenue Genting

Everytime someone I know goes to London, they would for sure post a pic of their meal at Burger & Lobster ("B&L"). So when I found out that they have opened a branch in Malaysia, I knew I had to go! I am dying to try the famous lobster roll!

Since it's Natte's birthday, I suggested that we go up to Genting for lunch and then shop at the newly opened GPO after. We even took the day off for our roadtrip!

Getting there:

B&L is in Sky Avenue, so basically you drive up towards the top and park at P4. I wasn't sure where to park so had to go around twice! The parking level starts at 16 and goes down to 9 (which is the exit to KL). There are plenty of parking towards the bottom, so no worries! Once parked you want to exit the parking area and heads toward the "Taman Tema" door. From there follow the signage to Sky Avenue. Basically Sky Avenue is the new mall in Genting. B&L is on the 1st Floor.

The menu and prices

The price of the meals are fixed. So that's easier! The menu below states the price if you are a Genting member/ normal price.

The menu

I ordered The Original lobster roll and it was SOOO good! I have tried the one at BLVD and the lobster at B&L is more juicier and tasty. The toasted brioche roll is really something special! I am getting hungry just writing this up. Natte ordered the Chili Lobster (think Chili Crab but with lobster instead) which she loved but I preferred the normal Chili Crab sauce. I would recommend that you order the Original Lobster and the Original Roll if you come here!

The service:

We went on a weekday so no queues and were seated immediately. The food came super fast however some of the waiters are not great english speakers. We had to repeat thing a few times to them. But they were helpful and gave us great service.

Overall, I loved the food and would love to go again to order the Original lobster next time!

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