Monday 30 October 2017

Japan Day 1 - Osaka Castle and Museum

This is our first overseas trip as a family of four. Super excited but super nervous about travelling with 2 kids! We started planning early this year and the main agenda was to catch the F1 race in Suzuka. I booked our accommodation in Osaka and we planned the rest of the trip with Osaka as our base. I booked a studio from Airbnb and it was a good choice. The studio was small but it had 2 double beds (they even squeezed in a single in between as well!), a kitchenette and even a washing machine. It had everything we needed for our stay such as detergent, sponges, towels etc. We even brought clothes for half our stay and did laundry there to save luggage space. We travelled with 1 big luggage, 1 cabin size trolley bag and 2 strollers. It was a good thing that we brought 2 strollers because there was a LOT of walking! Going to and from the airport with luggages and strollers was a hassle as Kimi had to handle both luggages and the small stroller. But we managed! Phew!!!
In the train shuttle from Airport to Train Station
Kid's are TIRED!

Finally got to our room!
As we arrived to the room at almost midnight, our first day started late at around 11am. We decided an easy day to see the Castle should be enough. We were also learning and getting accustomed to the train lines and subway so we just took it easy. After 2 subways, we arrived at the Osaka Castle. It was a gloomy first day for us in Japan. We came prepared with ponchos for the boys though bought from Speedmart! They looked super cute in it!! We opted for the Electric Buggy to go to the castle gate which was a good move! We had to leave the strollers at the bottom of the castle and chose to go up the 8 flight of stairs to the top. 

Bonsai at the Osaka Castle Park

A temple at the Osaka Castle Park

Samurai statue!
Once we got to the 5th floor, Aaman who hadn't had his morning nap (it was 2pm by then) got really tired and asked for his milk. He feel asleep shortly after so I left him with Kimi while Nazrin and I went up to the top of the Castle. On top of the castle was the observation deck where you can see 360 degrees of Osaka. Nazrin' favourite part of the whole trip was seeing the samurai figurines in the castle. He kept on drawing samurais at war throughout the trip!
The beautiful Castle


View from the Observation deck

Serene garden

In front of the Castle is the Osaka Museum. We couldn't miss this out as Kimi loves museums. The museum starts from the 10th floor and you make your way down to the 6th floor for the main exhibitions.

I liked how they have depicted how it was like in the streets of Osaka back in the days. There were also many models of old houses with lots of samurais which Nazrin loved obviously. There was also a floor where the kids could pretend that they were archaeologists so they played there for a while. So it was a pretty impressive and interactive museum and definitely worth a visit.
Model of Old Osaka
Old Osaka
Walking through the old streets of Osaka

Here's a video summary of our Day 1.

Check back again for more Japan updates!

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