Friday 27 April 2018

Mum and Dad's 38th Anniversary

Mum mentioned to me earlier this week that it will be their 38th wedding anniversary and she wasn't sure if Daddy was even aware of it. She did say that she wants to celebrate.

So yesterday (26th April) on their anniversary, Daddy suddenly texted me to organise a surpise for Mummy. I was super impressed and thought it was very sweet of him. So texted the siblings to organise a small celebration that night at a nearby cafe. I order the flowers and balloons from Hanna Petals while my sister bought the presents.

Here is the lovely couple after 38 years of marriage and 5 kids and 4 grandkids later.

With the children

The whole Shamclan

One with the grandkids

Their presents

Kimi asked what's their tip after 38 years of marriage to which mummy replied "SABAR" hehehe
I pray that both of you are protected from any harm and be granted great health. Thank you so much for being wonderful parents. I love you both so much!

Here is a pic from their wedding. My handsome Daddy and pretty Mummy!

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