Sunday 6 January 2019

End of 2018

Happy new year everyone!!
Sorry for the lack of updates! I have so many posts in drafts but sigh, no time to type up!
Is blogging even relevant anymore? Most people are on YoutTube these days. But I do like to pen my thoughts and read them again after you know, kinda like a diary. So I guess I will keep writing when I have the time.

Anyways had 2 year end get-togethers with my Bangi peeps.

Sexy Bombshells

First were the SexyBombshells. We went to Koryo-Won for lunch. That place is officially our AGM venue coz we always seem to end up there. But it serves good food and not too crowded on a Friday lunch so that's a win for us. Everyone managed to turn up for our AGM except for Nadia who is in Denmark and Ally who was in London.

Had the gift-exchange (tak nak panggil Secret Santa, walaupon obviously it is sbb pakai santa hat bagai! :P)

Lynne was my Secret Santa and she got me Nars Climax Mascara which was on my wishlist. Thank you Lynne!

I had to get a present for Ann and she wanted mascara first and she told us in the group chat. So when I went out to get her present, I tried it on and like it and immediately put it on top of my wish list. So yeah me and Ann got the exact same thing (which we both wanted!)

Bimbotches x Ganyuts

The other dinner was with these girls + 1 boy. Basically Ann, Paris and I (and Nadia) are best friends from High School and Ann's sister and mine are best friends too. So we are all very close and essentially are in the same anyway.

Our dinner was at Zenzero and I had the pasta which was YUMMY!

We had gift exchange too and here are all our presents. Funny enough, I had to get a present for my own little sister and being the lazy, can't-be-bothered-to-add-to-the-wishlist person that she is, I had to think about what she wanted. Luckily, I remembered that she asked me about wanting some pyjamas so that's what I got for her! I added some stuff from Tarte and some sheet masks from Sephora too. The next day after I bought her stuff, she said in the group chat that she wanted an EXERCISE MATT (pulakkk!). I did consider returning the pyjamas and getting the matt but I also couldn't be bothered la. Good thing I didn't coz she loved the pyjamas. Oh I did mention that she wasn't even at the dinner. She planned a last minute trip to Langkawi with her family!

What did I get? A LULULEMON microfibre towel! wow sayang nak guna sbb LULULEMON :P

Anyways hope everyone had a good year in 2018. Mine was great Alhamdulillah and the highlight was my Umrah trip (that post is in Draft). I pray that everyone has a great and blessed year in 2019!

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