Monday 1 April 2019

Skincare Overhaul - Dior Capture Youth

I have been suffering from terrible breakouts on my chin area for the past 6 months. Bumpy pimples, one after another around the jawline. It was annoying and so stressful!

I tried changing skincare back to Dermalogica and it was clearing up but then after a facial session at Aster, it started again. So a few weeks back I went back to my facial at Prinz and did the silkpeel treatment. It has been about 2 months since my last facial (busy season with audit and all) so the extraction was painful (it was an hour long) but oh-so satisfying! Turns out, the pimples kept on appearing as they we all underneath the skin. The beautician had to squeeze them all out and in the end, they were so many whiteheads she collected on a tissue. I took a picture of it but that would be too disgusting to put here.

The next day, I was in KLCC to buy a new compact powder. I had a card from Dior where I would get 3 piece deluxe samples at my next purchase so I thought I would check out their compact. I was attended by a Sales Assistant called Grace. She then ended up giving me a mini facial where she started off with a 1-minute scrub. Then she introduced me to their new skincare range "Capture Youth". Her facial included a face massage where she massages the products in. After the facial my face was instantly more plump (less obvious acne scars), smaller pores and looks so fresh.

Bare faced after facial
As I had a birthday lunch, she touched up my face and I love the simple look she did.

Simple make up
I bought the compact powder but came away with so many samples!

So many samples!

After using the sample serums and moisturiser, my face was so much calmer. The big huge zits stopped coming back (probably also due to the facial) and my face significantly less oily. I ended up going back to Grace to get the moisturiser! The set came with a few deluxe size samples and Grace gave so many samples again!

Bought the moisturiser set

Then for the 3rd time in 3 weeks, I went back again to see Grace. I insisted to wait for her as she was attending another customer but I didn't want anyone else! I finally decided to get the serum too plus Dior was raising their prices to include Sales Tax so I had to get the before April. Grace managed to convince me to get the sunscreen too (I nearly finished mine!) which came with a cleanser, toner, serum set! So there you go, I got my full skincare set from Dior!

I guess one of the main reasons I kept coming back was their customer service (Grace is awesome) and the generous free samples also were a plus! I have also booked a facial with Grace this week, so I can't wait! I told Grace, please don't make me buy another thing from you. She said I've got everything I need already so she won't let me! Hehe Well I hope this new skincare will show great results! So far so good!

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