Tuesday 11 June 2013

Amazon.com - Froggy books

They are finally here!

Nazrin is currently very interested in frogs. He first saw them at the porch after heavy rainfall so since then he would look for them and yelling "Foooggg where are youuuu?"

We went to find Froggy books at Kinokuniya and there weren't any (or the girl just couldn't find them) so I decided to order them from Amazon.com. I have been putting off registering on Amazon.com in the fear that I will start ordering all sorts from there but all for the sake of my Little Man, I registered.

Here is a price comparison of the books when compared to prices at Kinokuniya.

This time around it was MORE EXPENSIVE to buy from Amazon.com BUT the books were not available at Kinokuniya KLCC when we went. The Icky Sticky Frog is still out of stock as per the website and The Wide-Mouthed Frog has to be re-ordered and would take around 3 weeks. Actually it was the shipping price that made it more expensive. If you exclude that I would have saved around RM12. 

The Icky Sticky Frog

This is a pop up book and the pop ups were very impressive. Check out the crocodile below!

The Little Man loved putting his finger in the mouth while I close it. He finds it hilarious that the frog is eating his finger.

The Icky Sticky Frog

This book came with a stretchy tongue. So it's a great prop to use when telling the story. The story-line also uses a lot of sound effects like slurping and sshhh-ing which is a bit more interactive.

I am still struggling to hold him down til the end of the book so can't really say which one he prefers. But every other night before lights off he would say goodnight to Enguin (penguin book), monkey (his soft toy monkey) and now Fogg (Frog) too!

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