Saturday 8 June 2013

Multitasking Mummy

Today was one busy day!

It started with the annual Interhouse netball game where it actually clashed with my class. Initially i told the team I couldn't play but the fact that the courts were literally next door to where I was having my classes I just couldn't pass up the opportunity! The first game was before my class so I managed to play that which we tied (coz I sucked. None of my shots in the first half would go in!) Then one of the team players sent me back to my class and 20 minutes later there was someone to pick me up again. I made it just in time to play in the final match (which we won! yeay!!). Overall we came third so it wasn't too bad. 

Our classes ended early at 3pm instead of 5pm. So I went to Danial's aqiqah at Kuang (that's near Sg. Buloh). Another round of eating! Man I ate so much last Saturday! I was so glad I made it coz I haven't seen Jid for ages (she's one of my gtalk buddies) and the last time I saw Danial was at the hospital. My he has grown so much!! Gempal betullll...geram! And Arshad was so handsome and clever. On the way back from Kuang to Bangi, waze took me so funny way and it took bloody forever!!! It took me via MRR2 and I even saw Batu Caves. I nearly cried after an hour driving and I still wasn't home!

The handsome Arshad
Danial and his mummy

Was soo looking forward to showering at home and having a quick lie down before dinner with the Razaks. Then when I got home I realised that I didn't have my house keys. So I headed to my mum's and showered there before meeting the hubs and the boy at the in laws. Kimi wanted to drop by home to get ready before going to dinner so off we went back home. After he got ready we got back into the car only to find out that the battery is dead. My brother came to the rescue to pick us up and send us back to the in laws (where I left my car!). Had another gastronomical party at Seoul Garden courtesy of sis-in-law. My tummy was on the verge of exploding by the end of the night! 

PHEW! what a FULL day. Back in the day, this kinda day was normal for me. But these days, man I was knackered by the end of the night!!

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