Tuesday 20 August 2013

Nazrin's 2nd Birthday

His birthday was on the second day of Raya and we were all back at kampung. So I managed to buy 2 cakes from the local bakery (Double Lion Kuala Kangsar FTW yo! hehe) and we had 2 birthday celebrations, one in Kuala Kangsar (my side) and the other in Sg. Setar (Kimi's side). 

This year, it was nice to see him being happy and clapping along when everyone sang him "Happy birthday". He even blew the candle himself! 

Celebration at Kuala Kangsar. Those kids are my cousins so they are actually his aunties and uncles!
Happy boy!

Celebration at Penang. Those two kids are also his uncles!

Look at this cheeky boy. I can't believe you are two years old already! Mummy doakan that you will continue to love praying and azan and grow up to be anak yg soleh. I am sorry for all my shortcomings as a mother but I want you to know that I love you so much. And as you are now 2 years old, I will also have to wean you off so I am sorry for that too ok.

Happy 2nd Birthday sayang!

Here's a pic of last year's birthday.

1 comment:

  1. seronok nyer.. suka tgk birthday kids.. sebab so happy n cheerful :)
