Wednesday 14 August 2013

Of theaters and ballets

Back in the UK I was fortunate enough to be able to watch a few musicals and I loved them all!

  1. Grease the Musical (back in First Year)
  2. Chicago
  3. Wicked (birthday present from Ems)
  4. Mary Poppins 
  5. The Lion King (Kimi's birthday present)
Back in 2008. We looked so young!

I have to say I loved the storyline of Wicked but thought The Lion King was the best due to the extensive costumes and settings. It's amazing how real Timon and Pumba were!!!

These two are on my bucket list;
  1. Phantom of the Opera
  2. Les Miserable (although quite tempted to just watch the movie but that's hardly the same isn't it)
When I was working, the company would get discounted theater (watched Mary Poppins) and ballet tickets so took the opportunity to watch the ballet. It was during Christmas so The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky were on and Kim (my officemate) went to watch it.

I was skeptical that I won't be able to follow the storyline. It was all just dancing for almost 2 hours after all but it was surprisingly easy to follow (obviously buying the programme book and reading the intro for each section was helpful!) I know Tchaikovsky when I learnt music back in high school (this was in Aussie) so it was nice hearing it live from an orchestra. The ballet was beautiful, the graceful dancers and again the set was breathtaking! The was a huge Christmas tree on set that reached the roof of the theater! 

I have to say I have been culturally deprived. I mean from The Lion King to watching Lawak ke Der? I wouldn't lower my standards that far (sorry if I have offended anyone but it's just not my cup of tea!). I wish to catch more theaters and I guess the nearest one is Singapore at the MBS? I also would love to try the opera. That's another one for the bucket list! But for the moment, will just have to settle to watching and listening to beautifully orchestrated classical music through Youtube!

(having a reminiscing kinda day)


  1. I've always wanted to see an international musical, just love theaters, but the close I can get is at Istana Budaya

    1. Hairspray the musical is coming next month!! And it's the production from London that's coming. You should check it out. Thanks for dropping by! xx
