Friday 11 April 2014

Melbourne Part IV - Day Three

Click here for Day 1 and Day 2

This was the day that we waited for! The main reason of our trip...the Melbourne Formula One.

The race starts in the evening, so we decided to go to Queen Victoria Market to buy our souvenirs as it's the cheapest place to get them. We were lazy to catch the tram so got the cab to the Market. It costed around AUD$7 from Collins Street.

There were loads of choices for the souvenirs. I managed to find a stall that sells any 7 items for AUD$10. So I got some soft toys, fridge magnets and keychains. Then t-shirts were only AUD$5 and the quality is good. So I bought all my souvenirs here. 

Prior to leaving the market, I bought some fruits as well. I stocked up on my faves nectarine and peaches! I didn't end up finishing the fruits before leaving so I even brought them back!! So yummyyyyy!!

After the markets, we went back to the hotel to drop our stuff, had lunch and did our prayers. Again, we didn't want to bother with the trams as it was packed and we had a stroller too!! We caught the cab again and it was around AUD$7 to Albert Park. We were dropped off at Gate 4 and walked around towards Gate 1 where all the merchandise stalls are. But when we got to Turn 5 we found a pretty nice spot so we got settled there. It was spacious and there was a screen in front of us too. Got our Air Asia blanket out and we chilled there for a while. Kimi and Ninin went for a walk to check out the merchandises at Gate 1 (which takes an hour to walk and back!)

Taking a toddler to Formula One. 

This boy was such an angel! Prior to coming, I had my reservations about bringing a 3 year old to the Formula One. I was afraid that he wouldn't wear his ear muff or too cranky up to the point that we would have to leave! But he was none of that! He loved wearing his ear muffs and he even had a long (2 hours at least) nap! The trick is, BRING A STROLLER!!! ALWAYS BRING THE STROLLER. The park didn't have the best pathways for strollers but we managed. He had a comfy place to nap so that was more important. And of course we had mr. bottle to help us too!

Oh btw we ordered the ear muffs from our ear doctor friend Dr. Shasa. She was in the UK at the time so brought them back especially for Nazrin! Thanks so much Sha! *kiss* 

He played around with the trees, sticks and leaves then had his milk. We also watched the fire trucks taking their lap around the truck (he excitedly waved at them) and the airplane show. We also watched the driver's parade where we saw Vettel, Hamilton, Alonso and the lot (mummy was super excited seeing the drivers!!). 

An hour before the race, after Kimi came back from the Merchandise area (an hour walk) he felt bad coz he managed to take pictures there so he walked for another hour with me. While walking, we pushed Nazrin in his stroller and he fell asleep. He slept for the first half of the race so I managed to enjoy the race.

First lap at Turn 5. Rosberg leading followed by Daniel Ricciardo.

The safety car.

The race itself was eventful. On the first lap at our corner, one of the cars spun around but managed to recover and continue the race (you can see it in the video). It was just exhilarating to watch the cars zoom by, but as we were at the corners they weren't as fast. And as everyone else commented, they are not as noisy as they used too. I even took our my ear plugs after a while. They used to be so loud and shrill that you can't survive without ear plugs but this time around it was bearable. Apparently due to the change in the engines, they are no longer as loud.

Nico Rosberg managed to hold his pole position to take P1. The Aussie, Daniel Ricciardo got second place but after the race he was disqualified due to him carrying too much fuel. So Kevin Magnussen (new driver for Mercedes Mclaren) got bumped up to second and Button to third (yeay!).

Here is the top 10 result of the race

16Nico RosbergMercedes571:32:58.710325
220Kevin MagnussenMcLaren-Mercedes57+26.7 secs418
322Jenson ButtonMcLaren-Mercedes57+30.0 secs1015
414Fernando AlonsoFerrari57+35.2 secs512
577Valtteri BottasWilliams-Mercedes57+47.6 secs1510
627Nico HulkenbergForce India-Mercedes57+50.7 secs78
77Kimi RäikkönenFerrari57+57.6 secs116
825Jean-Eric VergneSTR-Renault57+60.4 secs64
926Daniil KvyatSTR-Renault57+63.5 secs82
1011Sergio PerezForce India-Mercedes57+85.9 secs161

Honestly since Hamilton and Button split teams I have been conflicted as to who I should support. Now after 3 races Mercedes Petronas is doing REALLY well so maybe I should be patriotic and support Petronas? hehe

After the race, they opened up the barriers so people could walk onto the track so we did!!!

What an experience it was to be at the Formula One again! My first one was in Singapore in 2010 and now we might make it into an annual family holiday. To go around the F1 races around the world. Kimi wants to go to Monte Carlo next but I think Japan is more feasible. hehe

Thank you was just AWESOME!
Can't wait for the next one!
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