Tuesday 30 December 2014

Sabby Prue's Wedding!

I attended Sabby Prue's wedding a few week's back. I felt so honoured when she extended the invitation to me so I made a point NOT to miss it! After all, we did spend 3 days together in Krabi where we shared our stories and she of course shared her love story.

The wedding was held at Dewan Tun Rahah and I went solo. Hubby declined and well the little boy wanted to play at his Nani's house. So nevermind, mummy is single for a while!

The wedding turned out to be a little mini reunion. Met a few of the girls such as Anfaal, Ayeen, Sabrina Tajudin (she came all the way from Johor), Mieza, Wiida and Innanie.

A pic with Sabrina Tajudin. Haven't since her for a while since she moved back to Johor. She was gutted that I didn't bring Nazrin coz she really wanted to meet him!

With Anfaal and Ayeen (whom I just met that day and was such a bubbly girl!)

Selamat Pengantin Baru Sabby! You looked stunning and I wish you a blissful marriage and lots of cute kids! Mwahs


  1. Babeeee i didn't know u blogged about my wedding. Thank you so much for coming tau! love you! xoxo :)

    1. hehe...well a wedding is a big deal! what more a blogger friend's wedding! so of course i'd want to document it!
