Friday 26 December 2014

The Butterfly Project Xmas Dinner (year end gathering)

It was the Butterfly Project's Christmas dinner last Tuesday. Held at The Apartment at e Curve, it is also the year end gathering for all butterflies. I have to admit that this year, I wasn't able to join that many activities/events but I didn't want to miss out on this one!

We were greeted by Santarina's giving out our Beauty Box and had to put down our Secret Santa presents. There were so many presents at the end of the night under the tree!

The Christmas tree will ALL the Secret Santa presents.
Food was by the Apartment and it was delicious! I am currently on a diet (I'm trying to eat the right stuff in the right portion) so I only had these for dinner. I even managed to skip on desserts!


It's kind off amazing how many friends I have made through the Butterfly Project. Some I have met only a few times but somehow we can all get along! Some of the girls were the ones that I went to Krabi with, like Sabby, YinYin, Elana, SweeSan and Sherry. Top left is our Mamasan, Tammy. She along with her team organised this whole event! Even put together a LARGE beauty box for all to review next month!

Selfies with the girls

Meanwhile, as for Anfaal and Liyana, we met at the Kinohimitsu event when we were in the same team!

 I think the best thing that comes out from this project is the beautiful friends I made! 

New friends! Adik2 manis semua =)

Nanie posted a "crazy" shot of this picture which was hilarious!
We also had Secret Santa where you have to buy RM50 worth of items. And GUESS WHO is my Secret Santa??!! I posted my present on Instagram and asked for my SS to reveal herself! Judging by the presents she got me, I could tell that she did a bit of research to get to know me. The colours are perfect (i.e. light colour for the powder)! So Tammy said my SS had green hair and the only person who had green hair was HER!! I can't believe I got Tammy herself for my SS! I felt so HONOURED hehe!!

Tammy and I pretending to be reindeers!
At this point I had no idea she was my Secret Santa!
My Secret Santa present
We even had a performance by Butterfly Edazz and Choy Peng. Edazz did her rendition of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" (her voice was AhMayZing!) and then did a duet of Frozen with Choy Peng.


After that they had an ice breaking activity. Unfortunately by then my mummy duties are calling so I had to go back early! Tammy was understanding (as always!) that I had to leave early. Eventhough I had to leave early, I had such a great time seeing everyone!

Thank you so much Tammy and team for organising this event. I love the Beauty Box too and can't wait to review them! But most of all thank you Butterfly Project for the beautiful friendship with the beautiful girls (or adik2 rather hehe I feel so old hanging around with them!).


  1. it was fun to meet you there sis ^_^ hopefully dapat jumpa lagi next time!

    1. yes it was, although malam tu tak dpt borak sgt. hope to see you around again soon!! xx
