Wednesday 1 April 2015

Review - Eyes of Grace Studio Photography

Last year, his cousin Adam got his portrait taken from Eyes of Grace Studio and I was so impressed with the shots.

The studio is based in Bandar Baru Bangi (above Dominos on the same row as Manjaku) and the photographer is actually my sister in law's senior from high school.

So in early Feb, I saw that they are having a promotion (yes I have been stalking their FB page ever since) so I quickly emailed Kak Zubye and luckily there were a few slots left. The promotion was RM250 for a half hour studio session with some printed prints.

On the day of our slot, we went to the studio. Nazrin was really shy at first and the first 20 minutes of the session, he hardly smiled! Initially Kak Zubye wanted me to leave them to it, but knowing Nazrin I know he gets worried and would probably cry if I left the room to stay outside. So I hung around.

I was practically jumping up and down, tickling him, trying to do everything to make him smile. Eventually he cracked it and eased up. The results...... check them out!

Kak Zubye certainly has the eye for amazing shots. She knows when to click the shutter to get the true essence of his subject. I felt like his personality jumped out in these pictures. She captured his serious side (supermodel la konon) but more importantly his cheeky side!

Worth every cent paid! And we also managed to squeeze a family portrait too!

Eyes of Grace do amazing family portraits, kids pictures and even new born shots.
Highly recommended!!

Check out her website and Facebook page for more of her stunning works!

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