Wednesday 8 April 2015

Scan's at 7 and 9 weeks


We finally went for the first scan at the local clinic behind the house. It only costed us RM50 as opposed to going to a specialist which would have costed us almost RM400. So it was a great alternative. It was just a scan with the sonographer and no doctor there was no pre-natal doctor that night. Anyways at the first scan we saw the little baby! We could see the head and also saw the heart beat. It was pretty magical. So it's confirmed! I am pregnant!!!


I managed to get a GL from the company and went for my appointment at GH. I have decided to try a different gynea and so far I am loving her. She was very informative and explained so much! When she got scanning, we saw the baby and this time baby has developed its limbs! And while the doc was scanning it MOVED! It was just so surreal to have another baby growing inside. Alhamdulillah, praises to the Al-mighty. So my due date is around 10th November, InsyaAllah.


Unfortunately yesterday after work, I vomited. I have been gagging and feeling nauseous but have yet to throw up. Yesterday I did though and it was pretty awful, full blown one. Just hoping that it's not a daily thing.

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