Thursday 21 September 2017

Bursa Bull Charge 2017

Earlier this year, our Captain of the Co's Running Club added me to the Whatsapp group (eventhough I told him that I hate running!). Since then I felt the obligation to join at least ONE run. The advantage of joining the club is that some of the runs are sponsored so it's FREE.

Prior to the Bull run, I actually joined the CIMB Colour Run. However a week before the run, my ankle was swollen so I pulled out. But luckily it has healed so no excuses for me to run! So last Thursday, I geared up for my 5km run since 2014! Our company sent 5 teams (20 members) for the run.

All set!

The girls
The team!

Before the race

One with Natte
Natte actually had a bad asthma attack after the run. When I reached the finish line, I saw her on a stretcher and she was crying and had trouble breathing. So I followed her to the Medic Tent and accompanied her while she was getting treatment. Luckily after oxygen and drip she was much better! Phew!

Workout Summary

As you can see I ran in 42 minutes and this is a new record for me! The Vice Captain of the running club wanted to run with me (ie slow) as she was not feeling well. So for the first half of the run, I was pressured and tried my best to keep up. After 2.5km I was slowing down and I told her to go ahead. After that I started walking more and got lazy! I could have pushed myself more but didn't and it wasn't like I was going for a time or anything. Plus towards the end, there was a big hill to climb so I just didn't bother :p So overall I really enjoyed the run/walk! Would love to join more runs but 5kms only for me thanks!

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