Tuesday 12 September 2017

Root canal treatment!

I have this one particular tooth which has always been problematic. Last time I got it checked, the dentist said it was still ok but I needed to change my toothpaste to a Gum Sensitive one and if it got worse then an x-ray was needed. But after cleaning and polishing, the pain went away. That was 2 years ago! Time and time again the pain would come back, but after flossing, extra brushing it would go away. A week before the Merdeka/Raya Haji break, it started hurting again. Then we went back to Penang for the long weekend. I was hoping that the pain would subside but it was getting worse! On Raya Haji itself the pain was unbearable and with no dentists open during the holiday! I was popping painkillers like candy then.

Still smiling in the morning

Eid Mubarak from the Osmans

This is me by the end of the day. IN PAIN!

On the Saturday, I went to the dentist in Nibong Tebal. Upon examination which involved hitting the tooth with his instrument and me yelping in pain, he said "yes, there is puss under here". No need an X-ray which you should do once you get back to KL. Unfortunately they did not have the X-ray machine there itself. So he prescribed me with anti-biotics, anti-inflammitory and more painkillers.

At this point, we had one more day in Penang and Perak before we head back. The pain was unbearable, with only painkillers to help me ease it which I was taking every 4 hours!

On Sunday morning, we headed back to KL and reached there at lunch time. I promptly looked for an open dentist. A friend of mine suggested iCare Dental and luckily there is one at IOI City Mall! They took my X-ray and immediately saw the problem!

The heart marks the puss/absces in the gums. With no place to go, this is why it was pulsing and causing me much pain! The suggested a Root Canal Treatment which is done in 3 sessions.

First step was to drill into the tooth to get rid of the abscess! The injection for the painkiller for that was painful. The first time they did it, the painkiller did not work as when it was going in, the puss was also coming out. So when continued drilling, I was still feeling the pain. Then they proceeded with numbing my whole jaw! Which meant another shot to the jaw! Tears rolled down my eyes when they did this! Luckily the dentist was nice and soothing and told me to keep breathing in and out. Once the medication kicked it, my bottom jaw was numb and they carried on working.

I came in again the next day for further cleaning and they put in temporary filling. I am due again this weekend to put in the permanent filling.

The whole procedure costed me RM1,500! Later on, I am also required to put a crown to protect the tooth. Will have to search for the cheapest one! I think that will go around RM1k ++. Overall, I am satisfied with iCare Dental. Great service but quite pricey I think but I had no choice. They were open and I could no longer withstand the pain!

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