Wednesday 7 February 2018

My 36th birthday

Another year, another candle, another wish.
I turned 36 this year and what a day it was!

It started with a wish from Mummy. Every year she digs up an old photo and uses it to make a wish.
The baby photo was taken when I was about a week old. We tried to recreate the photo again, jadi tak?! hehe

My first basket of flowers arrived in the morning and it was from Diana. Also in there was a set of Jo Malone Candles. Thanks Dee!

During lunch, Natte, Nadia and I went to the hospital to visit a friend (that's a whole sad story in its own) so afterwards, Natte bought me a slice of cake!


Little that know that I would be receiving another 3 bunch of flowers after lunch. I know how some people think that giving flowers are such a waste as they wilt and die. But that feeling when they arrived, you feel so special and loved and THAT lasts forever! I received flowers from my CBA girls, Hanna Petals (my aunties) and Nadia.

That night, Kimi arranged for a small celebration with my family. Look at those cute kids posing in front of my cake.

Of course, a gift from the hubs. He bought me an anklet which I later converted into a bracelet. He also gave me a stalk of rose which is sweet!

A few days later, I received my present from my CBA girls which was an Apple mouse! I have been working a fair bit at home using my Mac and not having a mouse really hurts, especially when I am using excel. So eventhough I did not put this on my wish list (coz it's so expensive!), Natte was confident that I wanted it! However, I am currently having trouble connecting it to my Macbook! Grrrr...

I also received a dUCk scarf from Nadia (my officemate). She got me a square meringue scarf.

The week after, I had my birthday lunch with my Bimbotches (Bangi gang Ann and Paris) and I got a box of Colorpop lipsticks and Soap and Glory set.

An office friend also treated me to lunch at Acme Bar behind the office. Yummy lunch and cake!

I also got a present for myself! is a sneak peek!

Will do a full reveal soon! Stay tuned!

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