Wednesday 21 February 2018

My micro needling experience at Prinz Giampapa Medisuite

2 weeks ago, I finally went for my first Microneedling session at Prinz Giampapa Medisuite. After seeing so many great results via their Instagram, I purchased a package for 2 Microneedling sessions last year. However, the doctor suggested that I started with their Silkpeel facials first. Furthermore it's so hard to find the suitable time especially when the Doctor said that the downtime can be from 3 to 7 days.

Anyways, I finally plucked up the courage to the Microneedling and at the time there was also a promotion on their Beauty Cleanser to get rid of oil seeds. So I decided to do them both.

They started with face cleansing and also did a quick Silkpeel (a vacuum to suck up dead skin cells and white/black heads). Then they applied the Numbing Cream and left it here for about 45 minutes.

Once the face is numb (hence less pain) they started with laser for the Beauty Cleanser. They basically lasered off my oil seeds (tiny bumps) especially the annoying one I have in the middle of my forehead. After that they commenced the Microneedling. Here is a little information on what it exactly is.

Microneedling (also known as collagen induction therapy) is a minimally invasive treatment to rejuvenate the skin. A device with fine needles creates tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, which triggers the body to create new collagen and elastin. Results can include improved texture and firmness, as well as a reduction in scars, pore size, and stretch marks. Microneedling may also be combined with a topical treatment, like PRP (platelet rich plasma) or another vitamin-rich serum.

As this is a medical procedure, only a doctor can do it. Mine was done by Dr. Nadia and she explained what the procedure is and also the after effects. Basically she warned me that my face will be horrible and ugly in the next 7 days! Errrrkkk...As my acne scars were quite deep, she did an AGRESSIVE Microneedling, which meant that she used a deeper needle (hence longer down time). She also concentrated on my right side of the face where the scars were deepest. She just kept going at it and I felt that my face was thinning and it was starting to hurt. There was quite a lot of blood too which they showed me after wards. But luckily the procedure itself was tolerable. It was painful but I could handle it. However it did kind of feel like they were using sand paper on my face.

Leaving the place, I had to start wearing the face mask. Basically during recovery time, I had to stay out of the sun and also the face mask helps to cover the "ugly" face from the world. Once I got home and I had to take air sembahyang (ablution) that's when it starts to hurt! Basically you are putting water on your wound and your wound is the whole face! My face was red and it was swollen too. I tired to stay home as much as I could but when I was out, I had my face mask on. During the weekend (i.e. Day 2 and Day 3) is where it hurt most. Especially when it came in contact with water and also when applying the Aloe Vera gel. Monday came in I had our monthly meeting with the whole department. To avoid scaring everyone and questions, I wore my mask. Still got loads of questions but i told people that I had a nose job! hehe

So after the redness subsided, the face started scabbing. Like any wound, it starts to scab but in this case a very thin layer for scabbing. So it started to get dark and black. Unfortunately, I had breakouts on Day 4 when a cluster of 10 pimples started forming near my jawline. It was so itchy and painful but the Dr. just reminded me not to touch or pick it.  Day after day, the scabs and skin layers kept peeling off as well. So I had dead skin falling off my face through the day that week. Basically after micro needling, the old skin peels off to reveal the new skin underneath. After 7 days, it all came off and out came my new skin. Here is my face from Day 1 to Day 7.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

THE RESULT! My first impression was WOW! I could see the huge difference especially on the right side where the Dr concentrated at. Where I had deeps scars, it was pretty much no longer there. My pores are still visible and but most of my oil seeds are gone. The annoying one between my forehead is still there and  it hasn't gone completely. Here is the comparison.

However a few weeks after the treatment, the pinkish new baby skin didn't stay like that. My pores are still visible. I guess I need another few rounds before it becomes flawless.

Would I recommend you to do it? Unless you have deep acne scars, yes. But if not, don't put yourself through the torture! Would I do it again? Hmm I'll give it a few months to prepare myself. If you are interested; here are the details for the clinic;

Prinz Giampapa Medisuite

Do check out their instagram from lots of testimonials and amazing results!

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