Friday 10 August 2018

Misfit Mega Zumba @ PWTC

Last weekend, I attended a Zumba event held at PWTC with Natte and the rest of the office Zumba gang. Actually when they sent out the event poster, I notice Izzat Zin will be one of the instructors. So I shared his instagram page in the group. Then the akak2 saw how handsome the instructor was, and suddenly quite a lot of people wanted to join! hehe

It was our first outdoor event for this year! Last year we did the Amazonian Race together.

There were 4 instructors and the most awaited one, Izzat Zin was apparently not well so he was replaced by another Zin. My favourite for the day was Hamka coz I loved his choices of songs and his moves!

Hamka Zin

So we danced away for (almost 2 hours) and sweated buckets! It was such a great and fun work out and I totally loved it. I can't tell how much I love Zumba. I think it's because I really love to dance and this way I get to work while grooving! I am so glad that the office has Zumba and I just love my Zumba instructor Emmy! She is THE BEST!

So here's a shot of the PNB Zumba Group!

Here's us with out checked shirt uniforms. YB Hannah Yeoh (in the backgroud) was also there to officiate the campaign which was #stopperogoldalamrumah. When we all first saw the # and the t-shirt we were all like "ERRRRKKK" and YB also thought the same thing. But the organisers told her "call a rapist a rapist" which is true.

We all managed to burn around 700 calories that morning. Which was immediately offset by the Ikan Patin I had for lunch!

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